Without You.

Without You.

Today was a great day. We joined a group of lovely people on a memory walk organised by @twinchetts, along the way we hung our handmade wooden name discs on a chosen tree in memory of our angel babies. It was beautiful and it really got me thinking that so much loveliness would not have happened without you Luna B...

Without you I wouldn’t have known about the beautiful walk we went on today, how close we could get to so many deer and how bloody lovely and refreshing it is to walk in the pouring rain.
Without you I wouldn’t have known about the great place that is @muddybootsharewood
Without you I wouldn’t have met the amazing people we walked with today, people I feel like I have known my whole life.
Without you I wouldn’t be a mummy of three.
Without you I wouldn’t be a twin mama.
Without you I wouldn’t have known the feeling of carrying twins, yes you can tell which twin is kicking and when, so cool.
Without you the moon wouldn’t shine so brightly.
Without you I wouldn’t know that the things I used to worry about don’t need worrying about.
Without you I wouldn’t have the empathy I now have for others.
Without you I wouldn’t have known just how fragile and precious life is.
Without you I wouldn’t know how lucky I am.
Without you I wouldn’t know the depth of love I have for your daddy.
Without you I wouldn’t know that the important things are the little things, the free things; in fact they’re not ‘things’ at all, they are relationships and experiences and feelings.
Without you I wouldn’t know just how important today is, the here and now.
Without you I wouldn’t be me, the better me, the new me.
It’s just so cruel and unfathomable that now I must go through the rest of this life, this parenthood, this adventure...without you.

Thank you Luna B for all of the loveliness. Your impact in my world is incredible for such a tiny little human.

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