A year of extremes.

A year of extremes.

A bit late with this new year post, January got busy! But anyway...2019, a year of extremes.

A year of complete joy and unshakeable sadness. A year that felt like 5 years that was gone in a blink of an eye. A year that went by in a complete blur yet I will remember every moment for the rest of my life. A year that taught me never to take our health, our family, our life for granted. As cliché as that sounds, it’s never been truer.

Although it was the hardest year of my life, it was also a year of positives to which I clung onto for my sanity. It was the year we found out we were having twins, it was the year my boy turned 1 in Cape Town, it was also the year he met his South African cousins for the first time, it was the year we were nominated for the ‘best new franchise’ award, it was the year my little brother got engaged to the love of his life, it was the year my sister launched Moondance Studio and it flew from the start, it was the year the Tremere’s fell pregnant, it was the year Wade got his scouting job, it was the year my best friend Sarah became a mummy and my other BFF Rach became a mummy of 2.

It was the year my boy became the best big brother, it was the year my twin girls were born, the year Wade and I became parents to 3 beautiful babies. The year we brought Halle home and found a whole new meaning for the moon.

It was the best and worst year of my life and I’ll never forget it, but it can jog on now so I can try navigate my way through life with the ever-growing hole it left me with. Here’s just a handful of some favourite moments from 2019.

Happy 2020 everybody, we have so much to look forward to and I plan to live mine to the max, for Luna B.

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