Luna's last day.

Luna's last day.

The 24th June was Luna’s last full day with us. We had a simple day of relaxing at home, heading into York to get the tastiest food in the city (@losmorosyork), and walking (waddling in my case) through the cobbled streets- Wade, Senna, my mum, me and the girls. It was a warm, dry evening. Our moods were sombre, calm and knowing. All fully aware of the day that was to follow but trying to enjoy the moment as much as we could - for Luna.

Just before heading back to the car we found a cool giant bubble blower. Senna of course was amazed by these, but they also seemed somewhat metaphorical for me. They were beautiful to watch with their glistening colours as they drifted and slowly wobbled into the sky. They were mesmerising, you couldn’t take your eyes off them and you wanted to see how they grew, and flew and changed shape, willing them not to burst, enjoying the art they made in the sky, enjoying the beauty of something so simple.....then POP and they were gone, just like that. I don’t think I need to explain why that experience felt symbolic for me. Tomorrow my bubble would burst. The whole day I had a lump in my throat but to my amazement the overriding feeling was calmness. The bubbles encouraged that feeling, they were silent and pretty and peaceful, and they gave me a gentle, grateful smile. Yes, they all burst eventually, none of them could escape that fate, but the joy they gave us in their short existence is what made them so special. This is Luna’s legacy, her life was short, but my goodness it made the biggest most beautiful impact on our lives.

I wasn’t ready for tomorrow, I never could be, but I had accepted it was here and somehow I was calm. Or was I just numb?

Love that 3 of 5 photos taken of the bubbles were (coincidentally) of two bubbles, twin bubbles, one a bit bigger than the other. In each photo two bubbles, twin bubbles and my boy. I noticed this only when writing this post and looking back at the photos one year on, so cool! The bump pic is my final bump pic I took the night of the 24th - my own massive bubble. I loved my twin bump!

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